How we Make Sativa Based Full Spectrum Products

Hemp Hills Farm is a locally owned and operated business in the countryside of Baltimore County Maryland. We have converted our horse farm into a horse and hemp farm where we do all product making and development.

We carefully select the seed of our hemp plants that are germinated and then planted in 1 of 2 greenhouses. Our family carefully cares for and tends our plants until they are ready for harvest. Our friends and extended family assist with the harvest where we cut and dry our plants to get them ready for the next step in the process.

We dry and grind the bud and set to bake in our decarb oven, located in our renovated barn. Once they are all sanitized by the heat, the powdered hemp buds are converted to oil in our C02 extractor.

All these steps are done by the family to ensure the highest quality control because we use these products ourselves and care and expect the highest quality for both our use and yours. The oil made is extracted scientifically with different formulas depending on what benefits we want from the terpenes. To make our skin care we use the same process and then mix in our additives.

We carefully try and consider additives to ensure our product is not only high quality but is the best formula to help with many issues. For example, in our best-seller, the muscle balm, we use a combination of ingredients that have superpowers known to reduce inflammation, sore muscles, eczema and more.